I am grateful to be able to take this chance to welcome you to the website for the Athens County Sheriff’s Office. The men and women of our office are committed each day to consistently provide professional services to you. As part of our public outreach effort, you will find on this page live access to our long-standing Facebook page, an opportunity to download our interactive mobile application and review CrimeMapping.com which will allow you to obtain valuable information about recent crime activity in your community. Through better informed citizens, these interactions help reduce crime.
Our website will provide you with the opportunity to learn more about this office and many of the services we provide. The dedicated professionals of
the Athens County Sheriff’s Office serve an area covering 508 sq. miles and a population of over 65,000 permanent citizens. Because Athens County has two colleges, Ohio University and Hocking College, the population has an in-session influx of people with 30,000 and 6,500 students respectfully. Our staff includes sworn deputies, civilian staff members, and dedicated volunteers who share their own time in the capacity of special deputies.
As you browse our website, I encourage you to contact me with ideas you feel would be of interest to others. My goal is to make our site a good source of current information for our citizens and visitors to utilize while we work together to make this community a safer and more enjoyable place to work, live, and play.
Rodney Smith, Sheriff

The Athens County Sheriff’s Office mobile application is an interactive app developed to help improve communication with area residents. The Athens County Sheriff's Office App allows residents to connect with The Athens County Sheriff’s Office by reporting crimes, submitting tips, and other interactive features, as well as providing the community the latest public safety news and information.
The app is another public outreach effort developed by The Athens County Sheriff’s Office to improve communication with county residents and visitors.
This app is not intended to be used to report emergency situations. Please call 911 in an emergency.
Download the app for FREE: iPad-iPhone